Modesty… it’s just not for women anymore!

Be the Light

Recently I’ve been thinking on Modesty. How does it apply to women & men? We need to be mindful of how we conduct ourselves. We need to be mindful of how we speak, what clothes we wear, our relationships and how we are setting others up to fail.

We are sometimes the only light that anyone will ever see. If we do not live beyond the world’s standard, then we are just like the world. I, for one, would like to be set apart from this world.

What does it mean to be modest? For me, it means being mindful of how I act, dress & speak. How am I talking to my children, and my husband? What are my relationships like? Are they reflecting the presence of God? The clothes that I wear, does that cause another to stumble? Am I showing a little too much skin? Public displays of affection with my husband, does that also cause another to stumble? What guidelines am I leaving for my children? Are they seeing a Godly example in my life? Or are they seeing a worldly example?

As Women – we’ve been told to watch what we wear and how we conduct ourselves so that we’re not to alluring or that we are not causing our brothers in Christ difficulty in their walk with the Lord. Shouldn’t men think on the same thing? You are just as responsible.

It’s important that we are mindful of those that are around us. It’s important that we constantly ponder how we are living our lives both in private and in public. We are to be examples in all things of how a CHILD of God should behave. Think about how you act. Think about how you speak. Think about how you date. Think about how you dress. The Lord is watching how we live our lives, but so is everyone else around us. Rise above the world and set yourself apart. Be the Light!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 ESV

We should ALL be fiercely protective of our brothers and sisters in Christ. If our attire (or lack of it), or our words (or lack of it), or our actions (or lack of it) might cause others to lose sight of our Lord, then maybe we should reconsider our conduct.

Just a thought…

#AugustAccolades Part 5

Today’s accolade goes to – DRUMROLL…

The Cleveland Browns.


Now for those of you that don’t know me, that may seem strange. But I can say that the Browns have been instrumental in uniting my blended family. In 2010 I married an amazing man (see accolade 4) who had 2 amazing daughters. Their mom/wife had passed away in 2008 and here they were, letting me into their family. As the 2010 Browns season rolled into our lives I advised my new family that my tookus was going to be parked on the couch for the next several months watching the Browns, cheering, yelling and getting my fill of football. And then, the coolest thing happened. My new family sat there with me. Three people that had no interest in football started watching the game, and then looking up players, and then reading stats.

And then our Sunday’s after church were sucked up by football and pizza and chips. And then we added more laughter, and yelling and cheering, and then we started doing halftime reports, and end game reports, and sideline reports (Example – Cleveland Browns Halftime report).

I felt like an outsider at the beginning of our marriage. I was trying to find my place in their family, and the funny thing is – the Browns have been instrumental in uniting our family. We own jersey’s, we do videos, we laugh, we cry, we play fantasy football, but most importantly we just love being together and we love our football.

So thank you Cleveland Browns. We maybe can’t always afford to come to a game, but without you, us finding our way into our new family may have just taken a little bit longer!

Here’s to your new season. HERE WE GO BROWNIES… HERE WE GO!!!


#AugustAccolades Part 4

Today’s accolade is not meant to be typical, because this individual is anything BUT typical (as evidenced by the following photograph sent to me via text).


That eyeball belongs to my husband. He’s kinda weird. He’s maybe a little strange, off his rocker, incredibly smart, a bit of a neek (Nerd/Geek) and he’s the love of my life. But that’s not why he deserves an accolade.

He deserves an accolade because of WHO he is. Now I need to add a bit of a disclaimer before I type all this up. He says often, that I shouldn’t say how awesome he is because I’ll spoil his reputation. Well honey, prepare for your rep to be spoiled!

He is selfless. He thinks of others above himself all the time. He serves at church, even running himself ragged trying to make sure everyone is taken care of. Often what he does is behind the scenes and without recognition, which doesn’t bother him a bit. The only time he seems to get acknowledged is when something goes wrong. But… he’ll fix the issue, move on, and try to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

Oh yea – he also has a full time job on top of that. He works very hard every day to ensure that his job is done to the best of his ability. I can’t say much about what he does because it’s kinda top secret (not kidding) and he can’t tell me much! I can tell you this – he is driven to provide the best from himself, and from others, every day!

Because of his selflessness he has provided me the opportunity to be a stay at home Mom. I cannot express to you the gratefulness I have for this man. Not just because he’s my husband, but because he’s sweet and kind. Because he loves me for all my quirks and loves me in spite of the times when I’m a royal pain in the tookus!

So, if you happen to see my hubby today (or receive a text of his eyeball – because he LOVES to do that) why don’t you just pretend that you read none of this and know nothing of how wonderful he is. We’ll pretend this was done in secret!

🙂 Sheri

#AugustAccolades Part 3

AppleMany many moons ago, when I was in high school, I struggled with life. I didn’t feel like I fit in, I didn’t feel like I mattered, and I sure didn’t feel like I belonged.

Then, God placed a wonderful teacher into my life. To say that she saved my life would probably be an understatement. She invested in me. She encouraged my poetry. She listened to me, challenged me and just met me where I was. There were a number of teachers that cared about me, but she’s the one that sticks out.

So – today’s accolade is for Mrs. Freeze! I’m not sure this will ever make its way to you, so let me then extend this accolade to the teachers that I know that I can remember off the top of my head.

  • Jessica – your dedication is so evident in all that you do. Just remember that you ARE changing lives!
  • Josh – I know that you met your calling when you became a teacher! Just keep rocking those classes and students!
  • Michelle – I don’t get math, but thank God Almighty that you do and that you have a passion to show your kids the glories of Math!
  • Ashley – The joy that you bring to your classroom is so evident in your Facebook posts, I can’t imagine how awesome you are in the classroom!
  • Stephanie – I’m so excited that you are now fully realizing the adventure of teaching. The gentleness and joy you will bring to their lives will be life changing!

If I forgot anyone, I’m sorry! But please remember (ALL OF YOU). You have been CALLED to this job. You have been CREATED to change lives. Each and every day that you enter that world you have the potential to permanently change lives. I am forever thankful for the teacher that changed mine!


#AugustAccolades Part 2

There are many people in life from whom we can draw inspiration. Often, celebrities are chosen for this dubious honor. And while I feel that celebrities may have merit entertaining us on screen, I don’t think that they will ever occupy the space I reserve for those that I admire. There are a few exceptions to that rule, but I most often draw inspiration from the people that are in my life. People that I know personally.

Helen Keller said (wow – she was amazing) “It has been said that life has treated me harshly; and sometimes I have complained in my heart because many pleasures of human experience have been withheld from me…if much has been denied me, much, very much, has been given me…”

Disabilities. Man, I kinda hate that word. It has such a negative connotation doesn’t it? It seems to imply that whomever is being referred to as disabled is in some way deficient. For example – what do you think of when you see this?

wheelchairMe? I see inspiration. I see perseverance. I see strength, courage, and someone striving to just live each day to the fullest. I see, a person. I see a human being. I think I’m blessed actually because I’ve had the pleasure of having Emily in my life. She has forever changed what I see when I see this picture.

Every day I’ve had the honor of hanging with her I am blessed by her smile. I get to see how she just LIVES life. She doesn’t experience life, she chases it down, she pursues it, she tackles it and then she wheels off with life. I’ve seen her bowl (she kicks my butt). I’ve seen her cheer on friends at racing, I’ve seen her pictures at the zoo, on adventures, with family and friends. But mostly, what I see is a smile that is so radiant it far outshines the wheelchair that she’s in. I see an uncanny ability to encourage everyone around her just because she’s Emily.

So – today I just want to say thank you to my friend Emily. Thank you for inspiring me. Thank you for being you! Thank you for smiling! And thank you for touching my life.

#AugustAccolades #EmilySmiles

#AugustAccolades Part 1

the beach Last night I was told that I had an impact on someone’s life. Their statement was, “I just think if you someone touched your life, then you should tell them.” As I reflected on that this morning I decided that August is going to be a time of reflection, a time to hand out accolades. An accolade is defined as – an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit. Each day this month I’m going to acknowledge someone that has made an impact on my life. August 2nd – the first of many accolades goes to (insert drumroll please)…

My Savior, My God, My Friend!

Truly, when I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart it profoundly changed my life forever. I cannot look at a beach, the ocean, the expanse of the entire universe and not ponder how much My God LOVES me. He loves me with His whole heart. Even in the huge scheme of things God thinks of me, so much so that He sent His Son to die for me. The words I say, the life I live, is ALL because of the Savior I HAVE! So – even though it’s small, and probably not enough but all I have, THANK YOU GOD for being my life force. Thank you for changing me. Thank you for loving me. And thank you most for loving me the way that I am, and choosing to die for me!