October Scripture Writing Challenge

Hello Everyone! It’s so nice to be with you again studying, reading and writing God’s word. For October I prayed over this month to see what God wanted me to focus on in my personal walk, and He directed me to Choosing Joy and Peace.

October SWC

I must admit, I initially wanted to do a SWC that was all about God’s steadfast love. But just because that’s my personal obsession that doesn’t necessarily mean that what’s God wanted me to focus on. I went to bed one evening and when I awoke the song “joy” by for King and Country was on my heart and mind. If you haven’t heard this song, go listen to it right now. It’s awesome!

God’s word is filled with how much God loves us. How we are cared for and loved. How God wants to show us His presence in even the most simple of things. Like being held through the night, a whisper on the wind of His love for us, and a beacon of light through the darkness.

Here are some guidelines for doing a scripture writing challenge:

  • Consider reading the entire chapter or section that contains the daily passage. It’s important to not just read the words but understand the context.
  • Take 5 minutes to meditate on the passage before you write it out.
  • Once you write out the passage listen to what God says to you about His character, and what He needs you to learn.
  • Determine how this passage applies to your life whether past, present or future (or all of the above).
  • Post a picture of your SWC on Instagram and/or Facebook (there is a Facebook group setup for this month’s challenge)
  • Feel free to use #OctoberSWC and #sherisdoodles so that I can see what God is doing in your life too!
  • BONUS – each Monday of October a new coloring page that I’ve designed will be released here on my blog. Please check back and print yourself a copy!

Feel free to follow me on Instagram @sherisdoodles

I can’t wait to see what God is going to do this October! Let the scripture writing begin!


Hang In There

I’ve begun my scripture writing challenge for September. I found one on Pinterest by swtblessings.com. It was actually for July 2017, I just thought this is what I wanted to read and meditate on this month. Yesterday and today were found in Psalm 37:5-11.

I have a tendency to read a passage, walk away, and then ponder it for a bit. I don’t always immediately doodle in my bible because I like to take the time to think about what God wants me to learn.

“Commit EVERYTHING you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and WAIT PATIENTLY for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper – it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. Soon the wicked will disappear. Though you look for them, they will be gone. The lowly will possess the land and will live in peace and prosperity.” (Emphasis mine)

Today I was meditating on this passage as I was driving when I discovered a spider wandering across the hood of my car. I happened to notice it while stopped at a light. When the light turned green I accelerated and expected to see the spider fly off my car but it hunkered down and hung on for dear life. My speed varied from 5 to 60 mph and that spider never flew off my car. I reached my destination and that insect went about its merry way, having safely clung to my car. It may have been a hard won battle, but the spider was victorious.

Then I thought, oh my goodness, it’s like that passage in Psalms. Commit all I do to God, then hang in there waiting patiently for God to act. His timing is perfect. He knows what I need. He knows when I need it. God fights my battles and he will provide the necessary means to hold on and wait for him to act.

Holding on and waiting for God may not always look pretty, and I may struggle, but ultimately when I wait patiently for God I will then be blessed with an amazing resolution. I will be victorious. So I’m not going to concern myself with the schemes of others, gossip, or malicious intent. I’m not going to spend any of my days being angry and filled with rage, for that does not profit the kingdom of God nor does it benefit my well being and health. I am going to commit all that I am and all that I have to God and let him direct my footsteps. And while I wait, I’ll just hang in there.

SWC – Day 15 (12/29 or 12/30)

Today’s passage is Luke 8:46-48


This passage is probably one of my favorite passages in the bible. I love this because of it’s simplicity, honesty and vulnerability.

The bleeding woman. She was unclean, unwanted, and invisible. She had spent all of her money searching for healing. Jewish law dictated that she would make others unclean if they touched her, or sat in her home, so I’m sure she was desperate for healing.

And then she heard about a Man, the Man from Nazareth – the healer. And when the townspeople gathered together to race out and get a glimpse of this healer, this Man named Jesus – she raced too. But she risked so much more. There was a desperation in her. A need so deep that only Jesus could reach in there and heal what was broken. As she moved through the crowd, each person she touched, she had made unclean. If they had noticed her, can you imagine what kind of uproar would ensue knowing she had purposefully defiled them? And yet, she didn’t care. She was vulnerable, and honest and desperate.

And as the crowds built a impassable human wall around Jesus she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled towards Him. Thinking to herself, I only need to touch the hem of His robe and I know, I have FAITH, that I will be healed. As His robe glided across the dusty street she touched it. And Jesus’ power healed her. It coursed through her body and healed her. It reached into her mind and spirit and healed her.

Why did it heal her? Because she had faith. And why did she have faith? Because He was Jesus. And why did she risk EVERYTHING? Because she was desperate to know Jesus, and to know peace and to experience true deep love.

I love this passage because My Savior has healed me so many times. He has healed parts of me that only God could reach. I have rushed an altar, desperate to be healed and delivered, and God met me right there. I can promise you, if you are honest with yourself and honest with God, He WILL meet you where you are. He WILL hear your cries. He WILL help you. Just ask and reach out and touch the hem of His garment and your soul will hear Him say,

“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

SWC – Day 14 (12/27 or 12/28)

Today’s passage – Luke 6:20-23


Here we are, approaching the end of 2017. I’m not sure about you, but often I find myself reflecting on the past year. Most often I do so with a positive attitude and open mind. However, I find that my social media is inundated with people that are looking at how awful their year was. And maybe it was a bad year, but I’m praying that you can take the time to find the good in your year.

This passage is such an encouragement, but notice how the things aren’t really “positive” according to the worlds standards. Poor. Hungry. Sad. Hated. Not really the kind of attributes that I would use to describe an awesome life. But Jesus follows all of these up a counter position – If you’re poor, you’re blessed because the Kingdom of God is yours. If you’re hungry, you will be filled. If you weep now, you will laugh. If people hate you, exclude you, insult and slander your name, then you are sharing the same hurt as Jesus.

BUT – REJOICE in that day (in those hard and awful days) and Leap for Joy because YOUR REWARD IS IN HEAVEN! This is an amazing encouragement my friends. Regardless of how you were hoping things would go, God has a plan for ALL things. Let me take a minute to recap our year for you:

  • My Mom had a major surgery that required a lot of time of healing – BUT, she’s feeling better.
  • My hubby had surgery this year, but he is healed from a hernia he’s had for a very long time. And he feels wonderful.
  • I almost died – but I’m alive, well and sassy.
  • We have been overwhelmed with medical and other bills – but God has provided means to slowly pay down that debt.
  • I had to drop out of a team that was preparing for a spiritual retreat – but God gave me another retreat to be involved with.
  • I was forced to sit still for weeks – but God sent someone to me with bags of yarn so I could make gifts for people I love!
  • I have been having severe social anxiety – but God has increased my quiet time and reliance on Him!
  • My bonus Mom also had to have major surgery – but she’s healing and doing so much better.
  • Our daughter is engaged
  • We are doubling our extended family
  • Loved ones are having babies
  • Friends are buying or building houses
  • Friends are getting married and combining their families

This world, it may seem as if it’s crashing down, but I for one and tired of just focusing on all the negative. I’m going to take my cues from this passage and instead focus on my heavenly reward and be an encouragement to those around me.

So – what are you thankful for on this day?!

SWC – Day 10 (12/19 or 12/20)

Today’s passage Matthew 14:28-31

IMG_2716 (1)

About 6 years ago I got another tattoo. I wanted the tattoo to be meaningful (as are all my tattoos and no I’m not going to get into a debate on ink). I wanted all aspects of this new gigantic tattoo to be symbolic. An anchor to represent my hubby Bob because he loves to go boating and be on the water. A treble clef for my daughter Wendi because she’s so talented musically. A lady bug for my daughter Kelsey because my nickname for her is Bug. And Japanese cherry blossoms for me because daisy’s wouldn’t come out the best in a tattoo so the blossoms were a close second.

When I met with my tattoo artist he felt there was to much blank space behind the anchor and wanted to fill it with something. But I can’t just have random junk forever inked on my body without having a good reason. He suggested many things that all seemed nice, but not what I wanted, until he got to a life preserver. Immediately I thought of Jesus, and that tattoo was finished.

Jesus truly is my life preserver. Through His sacrifice He has given me salvation and eternal life in heaven. But that’s not all that he’s done. He’s saved me from near death a number of times, and probably more times that I’m not even aware of. He’s preserved my life by steering me in different directions when I was obedient and listened to Him. Jesus has gently coaxed me to making Godly decisions when the sinful ones seemed more inviting.

Jesus is the ultimate life preserver! In this passage I’m greeted with 2 very distinct observations about Jesus:

He is simple. When Peter says, “Lord, if it’s you, command me to come to you on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come.” Jesus didn’t get all flowery with his words – Come hither my good disciple Peter. Nope. He just said, “Come.” All the rest was just implied:

  • I know it’s scary, but trust Me Peter.
  • I know this is complicated, and it defies everything you know about the natural order of this, but just step out of the boat Peter.

He is the rescuer that we’ve all been seeking. When Peter begins to sink, the moment he looks away from Jesus and sees the storm, he cries out to his Lord for help, “Lord, save me!” And “immediately Jesus reached out his hand, caught hold of him…” Jesus didn’t wait until Peter was drowning, He just waited for Peter to call out!

Jesus is waiting for you too. He sees your struggles, He knows your pain and He KNOWS what you need. He’s standing there with the life preserver because He is the LIFE PRESERVER and is waiting to preserve YOUR life! Just call out, He will hear you!


SWC – Day SIX (12/11 or 12/12)

The Day 6 passage is John 2:14-16

SWC.18.6I think sometimes when people read this passage they just see anger. There’s the physical aspects like making a whip and then using it, throwing tables, and driving out the livestock that seem to overshadow the deeper meaning of this passage.

People have often used this passage to justify their own anger. I think it’s best to always remember that Jesus never sinned, not once, in His entire life. So to view any action of His from a purely human viewpoint takes away from the deeper meanings.

Yes, I agree, Jesus was angry, but His anger was a righteous one. I am not sure that I have often had a righteous anger. Maybe on a few occasions my anger was righteous. But most times my anger is from a self centered point of view. Jesus did not have a human perspective kind of anger. He wasn’t mad at the fact that the people were selling, He was angry that they were doing it on the temple steps and taking advantage of the people by becoming thieves in His Father’s house!

Let me give you a history lesson. Most Jews had to travel great distances to go to the Temple to offer sacrifices. Jewish law stated the kinds of sacrifices that were expected from the people. Given the distance they traveled, the lodging that they would require, and the items needed for their journey, it was not in their best interests to also bring along the livestock they would need to make their needed sacrifices. Upon their arrival at the Temple they would purchase their needed items and then present those items for sacrifice.

When Jesus arrived at the Temple it was not uncommon to see items being sold. What was uncommon? The money changers were taking advantage of the people and raising their rates for currency exchange. Those selling livestock and pigeons were also raising their rates because they knew they could get away with any price because the people NEEDED to purchase items to follow the Law and submit to God. These people were using God’s guidelines for purification and forgiveness through sacrifice, as a way to take advantage of the people. They were perverting the pure purpose of sacrifice for their own selfish reasons.

So the SACRIFICIAL LAMB (Jesus) came into the temple, His Father’s house, and saw how the people were being abused in the name of God, and He became righteously angry. The lamb that was going to be eventually slain for everyone’s sins, the sacrifice that was going to be offered for FREE, drove out the people that were not only desecrating the temple but were also destroying the definition of sacrifice.

How would the people ever understand His eventual sacrifice if they thought that all sacrifices were purchased? All sacrifice was just a way for others to get rich. Sacrifice just meant that you, and you alone, had to do something to earn it! In that moment, Jesus made a statement – God has provided a way for you to have a relationship with Him, and you are destroying it! You are perverting and disrespecting God! Sacrifice is about a relationship with My Father, and your Father. Sacrifice is all about LOVE!

Anger is something we will all experience in our lives, but in the moment of your anger, do you sin? When you get angry is it because of something righteous? If people witnessed your anger, would they be convicted to make profound changes in their lives? Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry and do not sin…” It’s okay to be angry, but when you’re angry make sure it’s not a sinful anger.

I hope today’s passage touches you as much as it touched me. It’s beautiful imagery to truly meditate on the Sacrificial Lamb defining sacrifice for the you and for me. I’m praying that you will meditate on how much Jesus loves you!

Sheepishly Motivated

sheepYesterday I was reading in Psalm 79. The end of the chapter we are left with one thought, “(13) But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will give thanks to you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise.”

This got me thinking, the bible talks a lot about sheep, what’s up with that? I know that there was lots of shepherding going on during this time, but why is the bible talking all about sheep? What about all those herds of goats, and cattle and other grazing creatures?

Then I started looking up the characteristics of sheep. They are meek, quiet, obedient and gentle. They like to keep their distance from the world, and stay with what they know. In a herd, sheep tend to listen to their leader and treat them with respect.

Okay – let me back up for a moment, the thing we need to remember in this section of Psalms, is that the people kept forgetting what God HAD done, and WAS doing for them (kind of like us). Over and over again the passages say that the people needed to remember that God follows through (kind of like us).

We now arrive at the end of chapter 79 and the Psalm of Asaph states, “BUT, we your people, your sheep, will give thanks forever, and from generation to generation we will recount (narrate, tell in detail, give the facts) your praise.” How profound that sheep are referenced along with words like recount, thanks, generation to generation and forever.

Stay with me! You see, if we are like sheep, then we should be meek, quiet, gentle, separate, obedient and respectful. If we are also like the sheep in this passage, then we should pass the sheeplike characteristics along to our children along with remembering all that God has done. Then our children will pass them down to their children and so on and so on.

But we don’t do this, or at least I don’t. I just tend to be a loud, selfish, ignorant, self promoter who is only concerned about my selfish desires, and not the desires of my King. I tend to see the one tree that I want and not the forest of provision from God. I tend to share prayer requests about what I want God to do, but not praises about what God has done. I am like the people of Israel.

But not anymore. Today, I’m going to be more sheep like. I’m going to be moderately quiet (I am Sheri…), gentle, kind, obedient, and respectful. But most of all, I am going to listen to my God, and praise him from the rooftops for what He does in my life DAILY. Who’s with me?

Dirty Laundry


I’ve been doing laundry today. Actually, I just took my hands out of a basin of bleach where I was cleaning the soap dispenser from my washer. The dispenser was a bit icky, kinda slimey and had an unpleasant odor. I was actually horrified when I pulled it out. I mean, I was washing my clothes in there. How on earth could I get clean laundry if I was washing my dirty laundry in a dirty washer?

That got me thinking about a passage my Pastor referenced on Sunday. Isaiah 64:6, “We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.”

Every day we create dirty laundry. We start off our morning by taking off our PJ’s and placing on clean garments. We’re hoping to look presentable. We then cover ourselves in various scents, deodorants, shampoos, soaps, haircare products, and lotions. It’s like we’re trying to build a barrier between ourselves, and our stinkiness. Like maybe if we use enough body spray, others won’t be able to smell us coming? But if we keep washing our dirty clothes in a dirty washer, how on earth do we expect to be clean????

Isn’t that just like how we approach God? We get up each morning and turn on the TV before we turn on God. We put on clean clothes without putting on the full Armor of God. We wash our bodies with soap, without washing in the Holy Spirit. But, “all of our righteous deeds are like polluted garments.” None of our actions mean anything, it’s POLLUTED, because we haven’t even bothered to get really and TRULY clean!

If we expect to get clean we need to begin going to the only clean washer around – GOD! He cleanses our souls. He makes us whole. He heals. He transforms. He takes the dirty rags we offer Him and restores them to bright threads of gold.

But He can’t clean you up, if you don’t drag out the icky, stinky and slimey parts and cleanse them with Holy Bleach. You need to submit, be honest, and air your dirty laundry. It’s ok. You’ll feel much better afterwards! And besides, maybe you won’t need to keep using as much cologne.

And as an additional bonus, to make you laugh, my dogs stepped on my keyboard and typed a little greeting for you today. Enjoy:




Want vs. Need

PSLPsalm 78 begins by saying Israel needs to remember all that God has done. Like dividing the sea so that they could pass through. Leading them with cloud and fire. Splitting the rocks and making water flow out. All these things are recounted so that they wouldn’t forget his works. But they forgot.

Not only did they forget, they tested God. Psalm 78:18-19, “They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved. They spoke against God saying, ‘Can God spread a table in the wilderness?’ ” So God gave them what they wanted, but it didn’t work out so well.

I may love Pumpkin Spice Latte’s but that doesn’t mean they’re good for me. They are loaded with sugar (there’s 50 grams of sugar in a grande alone). They are filled with preservatives. There’s not even real pumpkin in a PSL. They have milk that’s filled with GMO’s. There is no benefit to my body from a PSL, AT ALL! And, because I have free will, I can totally drink a PSL. And just so we’re clear, I’ll keep drinking them. BUT, they aren’t even remotely good for me.

My life is similar to my love of a PSL. I have seen all the of the good things the Lord has done in my life, but often I will long for the things that I want apart from God. I will pray for and desire things in my heart that may not actually be aligning with God’s plan. And because I’m a selfish brat, I won’t even take the time to talk to God and see what He has planned for me. I will envelope myself in a cocoon of my own making and deny the perfect plan of God. I will convince myself that I am making all the right decisions. And then, I’ll test God in my heart. I’ll say, “Can God spread a table in the wilderness?”

And then God will say, Sure – if you want me to prepare a table that you think is best, I’ll do just that. And He will give me over to my sinful, self centered desires and spread an amazingly selfish table for me. One I’ve designed all by myself without consulting my Savior filled with PSL’s, money, fame, fortune, false happiness, and junk!

And my end result? Psalm 78:30-31, “But before they had satisfied their craving, while the food was still in their mouths, the anger of God rose against them…”

We can do this life apart from God. We can make all our own decisions, and ask for all the stuff we THINK we need. We can only focus on what we CRAVE and not what we NEED. In the end, while the food is still in our mouth, it will all fall to ruin.

I may love my PSL’s. But I love the Lord more. I may think that I know the way that my life needs to go, but God knows far more than I ever will. I need to remember that and start elevating my spiritual NEEDS over my selfish WANTS!

An Elephant of a Memory

ElephantPsalm 77:11-12, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.” Psalm 78:5-7, “He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments. When we speak and share about Gods mighty deeds we remind people where their hope should lie.”

Both yesterday and today I have been reminded that I need to remember. I need to remember what God has done through all of the bible stories that I read each day. I need to remember what God has done through every second of every day of my life.

I need to remember because when I stop remembering, God will do something huge to get my attention. And, do I really want to push God that far? I mean, I’ve done it in the past, and it didn’t work out that well for me.

Here in Psalms 77 & 78 we are being gently nudged to remember.

  1. Remember the deeds of the Lord
  2. Remember the wonders of old
  3. Ponder and meditate on His mighty deeds
  4. Remember so that we can teach our children what God has done, and will do
  5. Remember – because when we remember, we are reminded of where true HOPE can be found.

It seems kind of simple, but how often do we spend time remembering all the bad stuff, and taking no time to remember the good stuff? We remember all the surgeries and pain, but we don’t remember the smiles and laughter. We remember the disappointments, and losses, but we don’t remember the victories and love!

I’m going to remember to remember. Because when I do, I remember that I have HOPE!!! And hope does not ever fail! So, what do you remember? I’d love to hear your memories so that together we can rejoice and share in hope!